
December 29, 2010

Girls' Room Makeover

A long time ago, our daughters' bedroom looked like this.

Two of our three daughters shared the old master bedroom, and it worked well enough. Along came Louisa, and we decided that three sisters in one room would be good company. Lou Lou had her own room when she was itty bitty, but toys and girl stuff overflowed from Greta's and Frankie's room. We decided to move Lou Lou into her big sisters' room and make the nursery into a play room. Three girls in one room provided some new challenges, however, the top two being sleeping arrangements and closet space for all kinds of girl clothes.

The first step was to tackle the closet situation; I took a week or so to complete a major clothing assessment. What do they have? What do they need? Only the cutest, most favorite, and most practicle pieces of clothing got to stay. The rest were either stored away for their appropriate season or donated. The closet went from looking like this:

to looking like this:

 Next, I added some character to the room with painted wallpaper. Trace, paint, repeat.

Hours and days later, the walls were finished.

On the prowl for a large desk for my girlies, I found the perfect one for $10 at Goodwill. It got its own makeover to fit perfectly into the new room.

And at last, my father-in-law finished the bunk bed system we designed for the girls' space. If you can remember, we decided bunk beds would be the best way to sleep three girls in one room. After many hours of thinking and sketching, we came up with the winning plan. We'd have a wall of beds - two on the top and one on the bottom. That would leave one open area to fit a study space perfectly. My father-in-law went to work, and just in time for Christmas, he gave his granddaughters a beautiful gift.

Louisa is only nine months old, so her crib still sits in the room. When she's old enough, we'll purchase a mattress for her bottom bunk and add the same bedding that her sisters have.

There are still accessories to be added and finishing touches to put here and there, but most of the room is finished. It's been a good project, and it's been so rewarding to see three little girls love their room.


  1. love the paint tech, very cool. this room is just gorgeous,and i love the bunk beds! thanks for sharing this at my party!

  2. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. I seriously can't believe you did all that stenciling by hand with a single image. I can only imagine how long that must have taken! It looks fabulous though and I love those bunkbeds. Awesome room!

  3. Oh my goodness...Its gorgeous! great job!

  4. http://typeadecorating.blogspot.com/2011/03/anything-goes-party-10.html

    i featured you!! hope you link up again this week! thanks. tammy
