
December 19, 2010

Save the Desk!

I was on a Goodwill Hunting trip today and came across the perfect desk for the girls' room. It was big. It was sturdy. It was deep. It could hold tons of paper and crayons and markers and stamps and glitter. Wait - glitter? I hate glitter. It lures you in with its pretty sparkle, but it waits to hide in your carpets and hair and clothes. But yes, the desk could handle even glitter. It was huge, and it was $10.00.

$10.00?? How could I pass that up? I couldn't, so after making sure that the store would hold it for me, I convinced my good husband to pick it up with his truck. Only... I'm not so good with measuring. {Who am I kidding? I didn't measure anything.} I failed to tell him just how big the big desk actually was. On his way home, I received a phone call that went a little like this:

"Hi Baby. I'm on my way home. I just put the desk back in the truck."

"What do you mean 'Back in the truck?' "

"You didn't tell me how big it was. It fell out of the truck when I pulled out of the parking lot."

Hmmmm.... Not so good. So the perfect desk came home in four pieces instead of one, but my wonderful husband spent an hour or so putting it back together. Thanks to him, the desk has been saved.

She's in her new home and waiting for her finishing touches. Then comes the good part - little girls and paper hearts and markers and crayons and glue and maybe even glitter. Maybe. Stay tuned for the finished product.

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