
December 28, 2010

The Desk Was Saved

Remember the $10 desk from Goodwill? Remember how someone didn't tell my husband exactly how big it was and it fell out of the truck on the way home? {That might have been me.} Remember how it was left in pieces?

Well, my friends, the desk was saved. My husband is not only the Green Bay Packers' #1 fan {he doesn't even change out of his shirt and tie if he works on a Sunday before throwing on his jersey}, he's also pretty good at repairing things I manage to break.

With the desk in one piece again, I set out to give it a makeover. You didn't think I'd actually leave it unpainted, did you? My original plan was to paint a wall with chalkboard paint and place the desk in front of it. Since the desk I managed to find was so deep, however, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have a chalkboard wall behind it. The girls would need to stand or kneel on the desk to reach the wall, and I didn't want the desk fall apart again. With that, I decided to save the chalkboard paint for another project and finish out the painted wallpaper I had done on the other walls of the room.

Louisa's crib in front of the final "wallpapered" wall.
The desk received a coat of primer and two coats of a pretty grayish-green paint. Ready for the finished product? Here's our brand new $10 Goodwill Hunting desk:

I stole the chair from our computer desk. I'll be on the hunt for a couple of just right seats to work for the girls' desk.

Have you saved any furniture disasters lately?

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